Updates #2 and #7 Slevin and Harley
Slevin the boy and the girls is Harley
Harley is now 50lbs and 24" to shoulder
Slevin is 29" at the shoulder and 70lbs
Slevin, Harley, And their 8year old GSP
8:20 AM | Labels: Updates Puppies 2010 | 0 Comments
Update Misty Puppy #3
On Thu, Jul 26, 2012
I just happened to notice on your blog that you had another litter of pups this year. Did you get rid of them all? They are good looking but I don't think any of them are as smart and goodlooking as #3 2010 - Misty. LOL.... I am kinda partial to her. She is doing excellent by the way. Last year she got me up about 15 pheasants and was able to catch one on her own (without a shot even being fired). She was so proud when she brought that one back to me. She retrieves, points and all the other things that a good dog is supposed to do. One of these time you will have to stop by and see her when you are in Richmond visiting your parents. I attached a picture of Misty on her 1st Hunt last fall.
Puppy #3-Misty
Hey its great to hear from you. I've been going to send you an update but I could not remember your email address.
Yes, Misty is doing great, she is so full of energy, I usually take her out for a long run every other night. This has been her routine for the last 8 months or so. If I miss a time she becomes very hyper. Its been fun to see her progress. I didn't think that she was ever going to point on a bird, but here a month ago she pointed on her first pheasant. She was so excited and from that time on she knows what it is she is really looking for. I think at first she just thought it was a free for all and she was just out for the exercise. She has been a very expensive dog. Last spring she got out of her kennel and followed some kids home from school. I hunted everywhere with no luck. Then the following day I called all the pounds and there she was at the one in Richmond. It cost me $140 dollars to get her out. They had to chip her, charged for bording, licensing and rabbies. I needed them anyway. Then here about 3 months ago while we were out on one of our runs she hit a metal fense post and layed her chest open, the vet had to put her to sleep and sew her up 16 stitches internal and external, another $100+ . She is a good dog though. She is a bit spooky when it comes to loud noises, I have been very careful with shooting a gun around her. Hopefully when we get into the birds it will not even phase her.
Anyway thanks for the note. Attached is some pictures of her at 4 months, 8 months, and a month ago on her first point. She has darkened up and lost any white coloring that she had.
take care ....
misty 8 months
Misty Pointing Oct 2011
7:32 PM | Labels: Updates Puppies 2010 | 0 Comments